A wedding is a disease, it can be anywhere, but there are a lot of factors that can contribute to the growth and development of onychomycosis.
Its been proven that the fungus is from the genus Candida women is up to three times more likely than their male counterparts. Both men and women are more vulnerable to infection by other species of fungi.
Age: the vast majority of nail fungus sufferers, people with more than thirty years of age. For the children, the disease if they are holding a lot less. The doctors say it is related to the rapid growth of the nail plate in children, and strengthened immunity.
The condition of the body of: endocrine disorders, varicose veins, congestive heart failure, diseases of the blood, dysbacterioses, if you have it in the body of the disease the risk of infection by a fungus that grows. Another risk factor for a long period of time from the receipt of the wound.
Injury to the nail, even with the less harm to the nail, for example, when a facial, it can result in the infection of onychomycosis.
Non-compliance with hygiene: for example, you walk into the sauna with bare feet on the wet ground, the heart is in a place of public use, a stranger with a cloth or a shoe of the wrong boots on. The fungus – foot disease, which is transmitted to the contact – long enough for play to inadvertently become infected with a virus.
Occupation is a fungus that are affected by the people, and for a very long time to walk in the narrow, closed shoes (eg, athletes, military personnel, miners). In the area of risk to persons, whose work involves prolonged contact with the water, as well as harsh cleaning agents, as they will soften the nail plate. The fungus is also called the "disease of civilization", they are the most likely to suffer are the people who live in the larger towns and cities.
The individual characteristics of the organism in the risk to people who suffer from excessive sweating of the feet. The victim-of-onychomycosis – people who are more anatomic shape of the foot, with its narrow streets and the spaces in-between the toes.

The defeat by a fungus and is more susceptible to the nail plate, finger stop, and the fingers of the hand. The clinical manifestations of the following in common:
Plate, the nail has changed colour and the shape;
The nail becomes deformed, and if a man has a foliated, is destroyed;
The horny layer of the skin under the nail grows out;
The skin on his finger from a splinter, you feel severe itching.
To the doctors, there are three main stages: the fungi of the feet, atrophic, normotrophic and hypertrophic. Each and every one of these ways to your symptoms. The disease is allowed to flow from one to another, and, in the case of the fungus, it is one and the same.
Normotroficheskie way: just changing the hue on the nail, when you do this, your structure will be retained. Appear white spots and stripes, which gradually merge together and fill the entire area of the plate.
Depending on the form in addition to the change in the color, it is likely that the thickening of the nail, the crumbling, and a set the card is lost in the glare.
Atrophic form: the nail is lost completely, with a surface area of the growth dies off, the card can no longer stay in the nail bed, which can lead to the risk of accidental or traumatic loss of the nail.
For the treatment of fungus
The dead onychomycosis the nail will need, necessarily, to deal with. And, best of all, the book is a beginner-fungus, and does not run. It is very important that you respect the rules of hygiene and practice in the prevention of the disease.
The doctors believe it to be the most effective in the only be dealt with in a cold pore of year, but during the fall and winter. Methods of treatment depend on the degree of negligence in the case and the stage of onychomycosis.
The surgical method that is applied in the implementation phase. This method involves the complete removal of the nail plate. But with the advancement of technology in the medical field, it has changed the non-invasive laser treatment: the laser acts selectively on the diseased nail plate. The mycelium of the fungus is destroyed under the influence of criticism for it's temperature (the effect of thermolysis). According to the research, this method is effective in 96-100% of cases (even more so in the implementation). In addition, this treatment stimulates the healthy growth of the nail and do not cause damage to the tissues. The patient after the procedure, and do not need a recovery period, and may immediately return to your usual way of life. The laser method can be used at any stage of the disease.

You have a laser intervention, there are indications and contra-indications: pregnancy, disease, neoplasm, chronic diseases in stage of decompensation, epilepsy, tendency of the skin to the formation of keloid scars.
For the treatment of drug drugs, and involves courses in the receipt of anti-fungal capsules, and tablets, as well as the use of tools for the local treatment of onychomycosis, in the form of creams, powders, gels, varnishes, and PR. At the beginning of the treatment, such as by means of a laser, and with the help of a drug the point of care, the patient was sent to the podiatry, what will he do with it's hardware manicure. It is necessary to make the nail plate thinner and remove rust from fabric, or large for the other fingers.
The doctors recommend that you do not use the various coatings – it does not increase, and, vice versa, reduces the effectiveness of the treatment of the fungus. The varnish will need a each week clear of any the usual for the removal of nail Polish and put the lid on the plate, a new layer.
To enhance the effect of the treatment, it may be a couple of times a day for a few weeks to make the baths a special and precious. For example, in the oil of the tea tree ointment with PRthe opolis and acetic acid in the plaster. Shoes for prevention, you need to deal with the particular deodorant, which includes one or more of the components of a succession, honey, oak moss, broth, celandine.
Many times, doctors prescribe it for the full course of treatment, onychomycosis, that is, the use of a variety of techniques, for example, a receipt to the inside of the drug, and on the carpet, nails, boards, paint. Don't forget to deal with the paste and Polish the neighbors to hit the nail, because the fungus is probably gone for them, and they still don't have the time to speak up.
Antifungal agents in local medicines should comply with the following conditions:
When you choose a ointment or other medicine to treat the fungus and you need to pass the exam and get the advice of a physician-mycologist.
It is important to understand that, even after effective treatment, for mold growth, but there is always a risk of getting it again. For this reason, it is very important to observe personal hygiene and to practice the preventive measures.
Don't forget to take a home or the tools to the podiatry, and pass the inspection.
Do not use a narrow, non-breathable shoes man-made materials. Especially if it got wet, and didn't have the time for it to dry. In general, the drying process of the shoes will be very important for prevention and for the treatment of fungus. The best method is the use of antifungal agents, ultraviolet drying of the shoes. A dryer that is not only quickly eliminates the humidity is a fertile environment for fungal infections), but it also acts directly on the micro-organisms-fungi, by inhibiting the activity of life.
Always wear your personal shoes, the swimming pool, lounge, steam room,, and other public places. Don't go in there with bare feet. After visiting these places and coming home to take a shower with antibacterial soap and water.
Every day, wash your feet and change your socks or stockings. Use the special deodorant means for the shoes, as well as the skin of your feet.

You will need to pay close attention to your diet. Eliminate or reduce your consumption of these products are: sugar, sweets, alcohol, food, and refined flour. Eat more of the food is fresh and sour with vegetables (carrots, cabbage, sweet potato, bell pepper, and zucchini). Drink the kefir, acidophilus milk, eat cottage cheese and cheese. The diet should be well balanced and contain protein, healthy fat, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber, and micronutrients.